
On the invitation of District Magistrate Bulandshahr Mrs. Shruti ji a discussion was held with her and Chief Development Officer Mr. Kuldeep Meena ji regarding the improvement of Kali Nadi Eastern.

केंद्रीय जल शक्ति मंत्री श्री सी आर पाटिल जी के साथ जलगाँव, महाराष्ट्र में जल संरचनाओं को विकसित करने व पूर्णा नदी के वेटलैंड पर चर्चा हुई.

There was a detailed discussion on the revival of Hindon river with Ghaziabad District Magistrate Shri Deepak Meena. I also presented Gita to Shri Deepak Meena.

A detailed discussion was held with Meerut Commissioner Dr Harishikesh Bhaskar Yashod

आचार्य महामण्डलेश्वर कैलाशानंद गिरी जी महाराज का सानिध्य.

कुंभ के दौरान गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर जी का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त हुआ. गुरुदेव के साथ भारतीय नदी परिषद के कार्यों पर भी चर्चा हुई

क्या अद्भुत संयोग है कि जिन महानुभावों ने १४४ वर्ष पूर्व के महाकुंभ में स्नान किया होगा उनमें से कोई भी २०२५ के महाकुंभ में स्नान नहीं कर रहा है

I had the good fortune of meeting Baba Bageshwar Ji in Kumbh. Baba Bageshwar Ji met me with great affection and blessed me.

It is always a blessing to meet the president of Parmarth Niketan, Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji. I received blessings from Swami Chidanand Ji at Triveni Pushp Parmarth Ashram, Prayagraj.

Attended the special screening of movie “Ek Ankh” at PVS Mall, Meerut

मेरठ के पीवीएस मॉल स्थित PVS Cinemas में नदी संवर्धन एवं पर्यावरण संरक्षण पर आधारित पहली बॉलीवुड फिल्म 'एक_अंक' की विशेष स्क्रीनिंग में शामिल हुआ।

Today, Uttar Pradesh’s Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Yogi Adityanath saw the successful natural efforts being made by the Gorakhpur Municipal Corporation for sewage treatment.

Dainik Jagran Group organised a discussion on Kumbh festival in Meerut.

In Meerut Mahotsav, the program ‘Talking about rivers’ was organized by District Ganga Committee, Meerut and Bhartiya Nadi Parishad

मेरठ अपना वाटर विजन 2047 तय कर रहा है हमें अपने-अपने जिलों में क्या करना है अनुकरणीय विषय है ऐसी मेरी प्रार्थना है

मुख्य विकास अधिकारी ग़ाज़ियाबाद श्री अभिनव गोपाल, मुख्य विकास अधिकारी उन्नाव श्री प्रेम प्रकाश मीणा, ज़िलाधिकारी उन्नाव श्री गौरांग राठी, ढोलकिया फाउंडेशन से श्री बृजेश ढोलकिया, जी आई ज़ेड के प्रोजेक्ट समन्वयक श्री कृष्ण त्यागी व ढोलकिया फाउंडेशन की मुख्य परिचालन अधिकारी सुश्री चारू मिश्रा के साथ जल प्रहरी पुरस्कार समारोह में. पुरस्कार प्राप्तकर्ताओं को अनंत शुभकामनाएँ.

विश्व की सर्वाधिक पवित्र एवम् प्राचीन नदी और संतों का सानिध्य

Riverman Of India "Mr. Raman Kant" Interview

दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति और पूर्ण समर्पण का प्रतीक है, डी गुकेश. अनंत शुभकामनाएँ विजेता.

माँ गंगा जी

There is only joy in the lap of Ganga ji in Haridwar and the blessings of Chandi Mata temple at the peak.

Got the opportunity to address the Mission LiFE Conference organized by Govardhan Eco Village at National Stock Exchange, Mumbai. Thanks to Shri Gauranga Das Ji and Ms Rama Durgavanshi Ji.

मुंबई का समुद्र से अटूट संबंध है.

Got the opportunity to participate as a special guest in the Mission Life Conference organized by Govardhan Eco Village at National Stock Exchange Mumbai.

अजन्ता की गुफाएँ महाराष्ट्र के छत्रपति संभाजी नगर में स्थित तकरीबन 29 चट्टानों को काटकर बना बौद्ध स्मारक है जोकि वघुरा नदी के किनारे स्थापित है.

पूर्णा व तापी नदी का संगम जलगाँव, महाराष्ट्र

महाराष्ट्र के जलगाँव जनपद में पूर्णा व तापी नदी के संगम पर स्थित १२वीं सदी में नागर शैली में बना चांगदेव मंदिर एक शक्तिपीठ है

भारत के माननीय पूर्व राष्ट्रपति श्रीमान राम नाथ कोविन्द, दिल्ली के माननीय उप-राज्यपाल श्री विनय कुमार सक्सेना, निरंजनी अखाड़ा के महामण्डलेश्वर पूज्य स्वामी कैलाशनंद गिरी, परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष पूज्य स्वामी चिदानंद सरस्वती, गोवर्धन इको विलेज के निदेशक पूज्य गौरंगा

भारतीय नदी परिषद द्वारा ०४ नवंबर २०२४ को दिल्ली स्थित भारत मंडपम में आयोजित राष्ट्रीय नदी संगम २०२४ के दौरान नर्मदा समग्र द्वारा किए जा रहे कार्यों और प्रयासों के लिए संस्था को सम्मानित किया गया।

We are delighted to invite you as a Guest in the RASTRIYA NADI MANTHAN (Role of Bhartiya Nadi Parishad in Water Vision 2047) at Bharat Mandapam on 12 November 2024 at Auditorium 1, Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi at 3.30pm to 5pm on wards.

राष्ट्रीय नदी संगम 2024, नई दिल्ली || Resp. Dr. Chinmay Pandya Ji

भारत के माननीय १४वें राष्ट्रपति श्रीमान राम नाथ कोविंद जी को आगामी १२ नवंबर, २०२४ को भारत मंडपम, नई दिल्ली में आयोजित होने वाले राष्ट्रीय नदी मंथन-२०२४ के लिए श्री कुंवर शेखर वीजेंद्र, कुलाधिपति शोभित विश्वविद्यालय एवं सलाहकार भारतीय नदी परिषद के साथ सादर आमंत्रित किया.

भारतीय नदी परिषद रूपी विचार कोविड के दौरान पनपा और शनैः-शनैः अंकुरित हुआ. दिल्ली स्थित भारत मंडपम के सभागार में देश के ६०० प्रबुद्धजनों की साक्षात् उपस्थिति में इस विचार ने पौधें के रूप में जड़ें पकड़ ली हैं

राष्ट्रीय नदी संगम 2024 का आयोजन

The idea of Indian River Council sprouted during Covid, Panpa and Shanaih.

Rastriya Nadi Sangam 2024

राष्ट्रीय नदी संगम 2024 के आयोजन में Gajendra Singh Shekhawat ने यमुना नदी को लेकर कर दिया बड़ा ऐलान

National River Confluence 2024: Grand event focused on the conservation of rivers.

Rastriya Nadi Sangam 2024

Rastriya Nadi Sangam 2024

Bharatiya River Parishad family welcomes you to National River Sangam-2024, Hon'ble Union Minister of Home & Cooperation, Government of India Mr. Amit Shah ji

My interview published in today's Dainik Jagran national edition

भारतीय नदी परिषद अध्यक्ष रमन कांत ने बताईं यमुना की 3 समस्याएं, पानी की कमी; प्रदूषण और अतिक्रमण

Those who have received the invitation should get their registration from 9 am to 10 am at Gate No. 7 of Bharat Mandapam.

My interview published in today's Statesman newspaper.

Today I participated in the first meeting of the Hindon River Advisory Board organised at Namami Gange Headquarters. This meeting was presided over by the Chairman of the Kendriya Bhujal Board.

Hindon river Waterkeeper

कोसी नदी 724 किलोमीटर लंबी है। यह भारत-नेपाल की सुपौल बॉर्डर पर बने भीमनगर बराज से कोसी बिहार में आती है।

tab talks podcast

The first Bollywood film “Ek Ank”

Another blue-ribbon day in Milwaukee!


Dying Rivers - नदियाँ धरती की रूधिर वाहिकायें

My article explaining the importance of rivers published in the national edition of Dainik Jagran today on the occasion of World Rivers Day.

World Rivers Day 2024

Today I presented my views prominently in the “नदी किनारे से - From the River Bank” session at the Fifth River Festival.

Take a glimpse into the #Nadi_Utsav celebrations

Those coming to the 5th Nadi Utsav must visit the exhibition of river photographs by my friend Prakash Samantha. Prakash Samanta

India Water Week 2024

नदी की स्मृति बहुत पैनी होती है.

India Water Week 2024

Pond revived by Neer Foundation in Rajpura village of Meerut district in collaboration with Max Healthcare Foundation.

Instagram real for 5th nadiutsav

In compliance with the instructions of the Hon’ble NGT, a committee meeting was organized on Solani River.

Khadakwasla Dam is a dam on the Mutha River 21 km from the centre of the city of Pune in Maharashtra, India.

Today I had a very cordial meeting with Shri Nana Patekar ji

विगत चार वर्षों की भाँति एक बार फिर नदी प्रेमियों का जमावड़ा 19 से 21 सितंबर,2024 तक तीन दिन के लिए नई दिल्ली के इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय कला केंद्र में लगने वाला है।इस जमघट में केवल नदियों की बात होगी.

Kotdwar : Khoh and Givin River

TAALAB UTSAV (Pond Festival) was celebrated today at the model pond built in Rajpura village of Meerut district with the support of Max Health Care Foundation.

➡️#मेरठ में सांसद Arun Govil ने खरखौदा विकास खंड के राजपुरा गाँव में, एक पुनर्जीवित मॉडल तालाब का किया अनावरण

तालाब उत्सव

Today Giz India held a meeting with DM of Saharanpur Shri Manish Bansal and CDO Saharanpur regarding water conservation of the district.

Ghaziabad Chief Development Officer Shri Abhinav Gopal held an online meeting with GIZ

Sh Rajeev Mital, DG-NMCG, chaired the 56th Executive Committee meeting, where 9 pivotal projects worth ₹265 Cr were sanctioned.

We will talk about India's rivers in the river festival.

40 साल में पानी ख़तम || पानी से बनेगा भारत सुपरपावर || Water 2 Super Power || TAB Talks

Met with Govardhan Eco Village director Shri Gauranga Das Ji in ISKCON temple, New Delhi.

My article regarding the freedom of rivers was published in the national edition of Dainik Jagran.

Today Giz India held a meeting with CDO of Bulandshahr Shri Kuldeep Meena regarding water conservation of the district.

Had a wonderful meeting with Namami Gange DG Shri Rajiv Mittal in New Delhi. On this occasion, DG was also informed about the efforts being made in the country by the Bhartiya Nadi Parishad.

I had a detailed discussion with spiritual guru Shri Shri Shri Ji regarding taking forward the works of river rehabilitation in a collective manner.

This is how the river works

With the inspiration and blessings of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji

Today Giz India held a meeting with District Magistrate of Meerut Shri Deepak Meena

Following a fruitful discussion on rejuvenating rivers and restoring floodplains through biodiversity parks and in situ bioremediation

Shri Nand Lal, a volunteer of Indian Bhartiya Nadi Parishad, completed the work of planting trees on the river bank in Jamui, Bihar state with the participation of local women.

Nariman Point is a prominent downtown area of Mumbai in Maharashtra, India.

Gateway of India, Mumbai (Maharashtra)

Today in Chopati, Mumbai, there was a detailed discussion with Shri Gauranga Das Ji

Deherja River, Palghar, Maharashtra

Good work is being done on water conservation in Govardhan Eco Village, Palghar Maharastra. A tour to see how this work can be improved.

Neem River

Ek Ank - Teaser | Yajuvendra & Preety Shukla

Solani River, Uttarakhand

A plant in the name of mother

River Man of India | Terry Baker Awardee | Mr Raman kant | Part 2

River Man of India | Terry Baker Awardee | Mr Raman kant | Part 1

Ek Ank

Under the leadership of DM Shri Gaurang Rathi

Based on a story influenced by my life, 'Ek Ank' is the first Bollywood film made on the sensitive subject of river revival.

I addressed the youth conference organized by Dholakia Foundation in Haridwar.

Ganga River, Haridwar

Ratmau River, Uttarakhand

A detailed discussion on the rivers of the country was held with Tech Guru Shri Prahlad Kakkar at Vigyan Bhavan.

Talks about rivers in DD Kisan.

I had the good fortune of meeting the renowned singer Padma Bhushan Smt

आज बांडी नदी में कई सालो बाद पानी आया है

विश्वामित्र यज्ञ कुण्ड : गंगोल तीर्थ

विश्वामित्र सरोवर अर्थात् गागोल तालाब, मेरठ

कांवड़ यात्रा में निहित होती है गहन आस्था

The Hindon River is giggling and flowing in the rain. (The Hindon river has become cheerful in the rain and is flowing proudly. )

Hindon River Clean-up: Hotbed Of Industrial Pollution Once, Uttar Pradesh’s Hindon River Gets Swachh Makeover

Neem river, a tributary of Eastern Kali, has also blossomed with water during the rains.

Today Giz India held a meeting with District Magistrate Shri Indra Vikram Singh

Today I handed over the rejuvenation plan of Hindon river to Ghaziabad District Magistrate

This photo is of the Ganga river in Haridwar

Gagadiya river has been revived due to the efforts of Shri Savji Dholakia

In compliance with the instructions of the Hon’ble NGT, a committee meeting was organized on Solani River

Today I met Union Minister of Jal Shakti Shri C R Patil in Delhi.

Today I handed over the draft of Uttar Pradesh River Policy to Dr. Chinmay Pandya

Hindon River Namami gange

The story of NEEM River origin revival has been published in the latest issue of Namami Gange newsletter.

Original of NEEM River, Dattayana Village, Hapur district (UP)

A working warrior, Mr. Savji Dholakia alias Kaka, who could spend his whole life sitting comfortably if he wanted

Today preparations were made for planting trees in the empty lands on the banks of hindon and its tributaries.

A meeting was held with GIZ India Project Director.

solani and Banganga information

NGT initiates suo motu case over loss of 6 million trees

Today, on the invitation of Unnao District Magistrate Shri Gaurang Rathi

बरसात में पानी से लबालब सोलानी नदी. शुख़तीर्थ.

कभी सूखी रहने वाली बिहार की कियूल नदी में भी बरसात का पानी आ गया है

समाज को लेनी होगी ज़िम्मेदारी तभी पानी से समृद्ध बनेगा देश

ZIDDI DIL show, thanks to Heena Pathik

To ensure permanent revival of the rivers of Meerut, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of District Magistrate Meerut Shri Deepak Meena.

Budhi Ganga was inspected in Hastinapur by District Magistrate Meerut Mr. Deepak Meena.

The Ratmau river first joins the Sonali river coming from the Shivalik hills and then the Sonali river meets the Banganga at Sukh Tirth.

Hindon River Waterkeeper

Sonali and its tributary river Banganga were inspected today in Muzaffarnagar.

शूटर दादी श्रीमती प्रकाशी तोमर जी ने भारतीय नदी परिषद द्वारा देश में संचालित नदी पुनर्जीवन के कार्यों हेतु शुभकामनाएँ प्रेषित की हैं.

After a long struggle, Kali River West has started getting 1500 cusecs of water from Khatauli Escape.

Today I visited Ratmau river along with Shri Vikas Tyag

Uttar Pradesh Forest Department identified it after inspecting the origin of Sonali River in Shivalik

On this occasion, the team of Jal Sansthan, Pollution Control Board of the Uttarakhand government

On the auspicious day of Ganga Dussehra, Pujya Swamiji reminds us that Ma Ganga is the glory, dignity, and identity of India.

A detailed discussion has been done on the subject of revival of the rivers of the country in Heena Pathik's podcast show Ziddi Dil.

Model Pond at Rajpura village, Meerut

Water is very much Important, without water life is impossible. Check this video and feel the need of water for human

Thanks KAKA ji

Your work is commendable KAKA ji

A Karmayogi engaged in the work of the God

महर्षि वेद व्यास पाठशाला

Great movement with Dholakia family

Biodiversity of Gagadia River, Dudhala village, Gujarat

works of Bharatiya Nadi Parishad

Dainik Bhaskar, Surat

Got the opportunity to participate as the Chief Guest in a one day interaction program in Surat.

Got the opportunity to participate as the Chief Guest in a one day interaction program.

Got the opportunity to work for the revival of Gagadia river.

देखिए एक अंक के साथ खास चर्चा..

Article published in today's National Issue of Dainik Jagran

kaveri river and it's tributaries || कावेरी नदी II Indian geography II exambypass

Chief Development Officer meerut Ms Nupur Goel organised a meeting in vikas bhawan.

आज मुख्य सचिव उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार श्री दुर्गा शंकर मिश्रा की अध्यक्षता में अयोजित राज्य गंगा समिति की बैठक में प्रतिभाग किया गया

बागपत के वो गांव जहां गंदे पानी से किसी को हो रहा कैंसर, तो किसी को लकवा, पढ़ें ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट

एनजीटी ने रमन को बनाया विशेषज्ञ सदस्य

पाराशरी : ये अपराध, राजनीति या धर्म की नहीं... एक नदी की खबर है, आप पढ़ेंगे क्या?

Development of Sewerage Scheme to Bharmour, Distt. Chamba, H.P.

A Night of Comedy with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Nicole Shanahan and Friends - Nashville!

Today a detailed discussion was held with international cricketer Shri Praveen Kumar regarding Indian River Council. Thank you my friend Mr. Manu Choudhary.

Your efforts in river rejuvenation work in the country are commendable. It is always inspiring to meet you.

पानी की कीमत इन बच्चियों से पूछिए

Standing on the banks of the revered Saraswati River, I witnessed a promise taking shape – a vision of resurgence unfolding

Rejuvenation of Village Pond at Haroli, Distt. Una, Himachal Pradesh through involving Natural Treatment Process.

पानी की कहानी | Pani Ki kahani

There was a detailed discussion regarding the Bhartiya Nadi Parishad

World Water Day | विश्व जल दिवस | नीर फाउंडेशन | नदी पुत्र रमन कांत | जल संरक्षण | पर्यावरण मित्र

Dr. Chinmay Pandya | Pro Vice-Chancellor | Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya University

Article 'Prabhu Shri Ram and Nadiyan'

IWRM Citizen Science Lab

A detailed discussion on the issues of Bhartiya Nadi Parishad (Indian River Council) was held at City Palace Udaipur..

A plan has been implemented to create a river front in the Ayad River flowing from the center of Udapur.

River discussion with students and teachers of Vidya Bhawan Polytechnic College, Udaipur.

Namami Gange held a meeting with the GIZ team to formulate a strategy for the revival of small rivers of the country.

Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM) Facility Dharamshala, capacity 60KLD (under construction)

On the occasion of World Earth Day, the initiative to make rivers plastic free started under the leadership of Rohit Sangwan

How will the rivers survive?

रिवर मेन रमन कांत त्यागी का विद्या भवन उदयपुर में उद्बोधन

Mr. Ajay Sahay, associated with the Bhartiya Nadi Parishad (Indian River Council) is continuously taking the work of rejuvenating the Baya river in Mu

'Rajat Ki Boonden National Water Award 2024' given by NEER Foundation was given to environmentalist Shri Chandan Nayal.

There was a detailed discussion regarding the Bhartiya Nadi Parishad (Indian River Council) with respected Swami Chidanand Saraswati Ji

Water Conservation Live on DD Kisan 6 - 7 PM